
Restoring your beloved sound

Handpan Tuning & Repair

Node Handpan Tuning is here to help maintain the quality and integrity of your Node Handpan.

We do not offer tuning and repair services for handpans made by other handpan makers.

In the course of my 15+ years as a builder and tuner of steelpans and then handpans, I have tuned hundreds of instruments.

There are many methods that different tuners use for handpan tuning as well as the materials used, the way the instrument is formed (drawn, hammer sunk, hydro formed, spun, rolled etc) all impacts the tuning techniques used.

We have experience tuning handpans made from many of these different methods and techniques.

Whether you need a routine tune up or help repairing your damaged Node handpan, don’t hesitate to get in touch.