Buying A Handpan

Buying A Handpan: Choosing The Right Handpan Manufacturer For You

When buying a handpan, choosing the right handpan manufacturer is both essential and also a fun musical exploration journey but it can feel overwhelming and confusing with so many options of makers in many different locations and then there’s the metal material, the different shaping and tuning approaches, the different prices etc…

If you’re anything like me, the sound of this wonderful instrument has resonated with something deep in your heart and soul. Its enchanting melodies have ignited a passion within you, and you’re determined to make this mystical sounding instrument an integral part of your musical journey. But the path to finding your perfect handpan is not just about the instrument itself; it’s also about finding the right handpan manufacturer who can transform your musical dreams into a tangible reality 🙂

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to choose the handpan manufacturer that resonates with your unique musical style and tastes. Your handpan is not just an instrument; it’s an extension of your creativity, and the maker behind it is your artistic collaborator.

Let’s navigate this journey together, step by step, as you uncover the perfect handpan manufacturer for you.

Tune into Your Musical Soul

Before you dive into the world of handpan manufacturers, take a moment to tune into your musical soul. Understanding your preferences, musical style, and aspirations is the first step in finding a manufacturer who aligns with your natural music preferences.

Close your eyes and think about what kind of music moves you? Are you drawn to the soothing sounds of meditation and relaxation, or do you resonate more with vibrant, upbeat melodies?

Do you see yourself playing soulful melodies by the ocean, or lively street performances that make people dance with joy?

Your musical taste is unique, and understanding it is the key to finding a handpan that fits your style.

Define Your Musical Identity

Each handpan manufacturer has a distinctive style and approach to crafting their instruments. To find the one that resonates with your musical identity, you must first define who you are as a musician.

Reflect on the genres of music that inspire you the most. Whether it’s the serene beauty of ambient music, the intricate harmonies of jazz, the vibrant rhythms of world music, or the soulful tunes of blues, your musical identity is shaped by your preferences.

Think about your favorite artists and their instruments. Are there specific handpan scales that captivate you?

If you have a favourite handpan player that you follow, do you know which scales they play?

Consider your playing style and musical goals. Are you a solo performer who loves to play just for yourself, do you enjoy playing a serenade in the background at an intimate gathering or a yoga studio, or are you part of a band that thrives on energetic live shows? Your musical goals influence the design and characteristics of your ideal handpan.

Research Handpan Manufacturers

With a clear sense of your musical identity, you’re now ready to embark on your search for the perfect handpan manufacturer. This is a fun journey of exploration and discovery, and the more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to make an informed choice.

There are hundreds of handpan makers around the world. Youtube is a great place to watch and listen to the wide variety of options out there. Remember that you’re looking for the sound that you connect with more than the playing style.

Reach out to other players and makers and ask questions. There are many online forums and communities, such as handpan Facebook groups or dedicated handpan forums. Ask for personal experiences and feedback from those who have chosen specific manufacturers.

Find out the backstory of each manufacturer. – you can read our history of building handpans and steel drums here.

Learn about their journey, inspiration, and passion for handpan making. Are there any unique qualities or philosophies that stand out?

Real-life examples can offer a deeper understanding of the maker’s personality and artistic approach.

Reach Out and Connect

Building a relationship with a handpan manufacturer is not just about the instrument; it’s about the connection you establish. Your handpan is an expression of your musical soul, and the maker becomes your partner in this creative endeavor.

Craft a personal email or message to the manufacturers (you can contact us here) who resonate with your musical identity. Share your thoughts and questions about why you want a handpan, what you want to use it for, what concerns you have etc. Be willing to share your musical preferences which can provide more context for them to help you identify the right scale and structure of instrument for you.

Ask about their process, materials, and customization options. Most handpan makers are open to co-creating a handpan that aligns with your musical style and tastes.

You can even schedule a video call or, if feasible, arrange a visit to their workshop (we are based in Bradford in the UK). Real-life examples of your commitment and enthusiasm, how long you’ve been interested in finding the right handpan, what you’re looking forward to using it for etc, can create a better understanding and help identify the right instrument scale and style for you. Face-to-face discussions allow you to get a good feel for the maker’s experience and dedication to the art of handpan crafting.

Evaluating the Connection

As you engage in conversations with handpan manufacturers, it’s also important to assess the connection you’re building and the way the maker communicates with and treats their customers.

This is not just a transaction; it’s the foundation of a long-term creative partnership. The best handpan makers understand this and want to provide an instrument that you connect with so deeply that you can’t stop playing it because you love it so much.

Observe the maker’s willingness to listen and understand your musical aspirations. Are they receptive to your input and excited about creating an instrument that resonates with your musical identity? A genuine connection is marked by mutual enthusiasm and a desire to create the right instrument for you.

Assess the transparency of the maker. Are they clear about pricing, lead times, and the materials they use? An open and honest relationship is vital to ensure there are no surprises during the crafting process. Don’t be afraid to ask questions even if they seem stupid to you.

Does the maker have some testimonials available on their website from past clients? Real-life examples of their experiences can provide invaluable insights into the quality of the maker’s work and their commitment to understanding their clients’ musical styles and needs.

Collaborate on Your Dream Handpan

The collaborative aspect of crafting your handpan is one of the most exciting parts of the journey. You’re not just buying an instrument; you’re co-creating a piece of art that embodies your musical style and preferences.

Be willing to share your musical influences and preferences with the maker. Discuss your favorite genres, artists, and specific musical elements that resonate with you. Real-life examples of your musical taste can guide the maker in suggesting scales you may not have heard of and creating a handpan that aligns with your musical style.

Be open to the maker’s suggestions and expertise. They possess a deep understanding of the instrument and can offer insights that enhance your handpan’s playability and aesthetics.

Embrace the creative process with patience. Crafting a handpan is a meticulous art that takes time. Trust in your maker’s expertise and give them the space to create a masterpiece that reflects your musical personality.

Embrace the Journey

The journey of choosing the right handpan manufacturer is not just about the end result; it’s about the entire experience. As you work together to create your dream handpan, you’re embarking on a musical adventure that will enrich your life for many years to come.

Stay connected with the maker throughout the process. Ask for updates, photos, and videos of your handpan’s creation. If the maker offers choices in design, tuning, or finishing touches, engage in these decisions. Your involvement will make the handpan truly your own.

Celebrate the Arrival of Your Handpan

The day your handpan arrives is a moment of pure joy and celebration. It’s the culmination of your vision, the maker’s craftsmanship, and the musical connection you’ve built.

Dedicate time to explore your handpan. Put aside some time to get to know your new instrument, the resonance of its notes, and the emotions it evokes. Your handpan musical journey has just entered a new phase.

Share your music with other people and with the maker – we love to see how people are getting on creating music with our instruments and so do our other customers.

Whether you’re a seasoned musician or a beginner, don’t be afraid to let your handpan’s sound touch the hearts of those around you. Even your simplest performances can inspire others and bring them a sense of serenity and peace.

Don’t forget to stay connected with your maker. Your journey doesn’t end with the arrival of your handpan; it continues as you grow and evolve with your instrument. Share your experiences, ask for guidance, and maintain the connection you’ve built.

Inspire Others on Their Musical Journey

Just as you were inspired by the melodies of the handpan and the guidance of fellow enthusiasts, you now have the opportunity to inspire others. Share your handpan journey, your experiences with the maker, and the music you create. Be a guiding light for those who are beginning their own musical adventure.

Share your story through online forums, social media, or even by hosting workshops and performances. Your journey can ignite the passion of others and guide them towards their dream handpan too – who knows, maybe you’ll even collaborate with some other musicians along the way.

Have Fun Buying a Handpan!

Your handpan is not just an instrument; it’s a reflection of your musical identity and your connection with a skilled craftsman. Choosing the right handpan manufacturer is about finding someone who understands your style, preferences, and musical aspirations. This journey is your own little symphony of creativity and connection.

As you explore the world of handpans and engage with makers, remember that it’s your journey, your story, and your music. Embrace the partnership, cherish the process, and celebrate the arrival of your handpan. And most importantly, continue to inspire others on their musical journey, just as you were inspired on your own path.

Your handpan is your musical voice, an extension of your creativity, and the embodiment of a harmonious connection. Let the music of your handpan resonate with your soul and the hearts of those who listen. The journey has just begun, and the world is waiting to hear your unique melodies.

Node Handpans

15+ year veteran steel pan maker, teacher and handpan maker, tuner & player

Node Handpans